In 1979, the Power Electronics Society was established in China, and since then, people have begun to refer to devices used in high-power directions as power semiconductors. Due to the fact that microelectronics refers to related devices as microelectronic devices, it has also been referred to as power electronic devices. The terms power semiconductor and power electronic devices are almost synonymous, and the emergence of power MOSFETs has gradually changed the traditional understanding of power semiconductors. original power electronic devices are basically devices that serve power, large motor transmission, and industrial applications. After using electricity to refer to power, people engaged in power electronics technology have become accustomed to viewing these high-power devices as the main body of power semiconductors. However, power MOSFETs have brought power electronics applications into many small and medium-sized power ranges. In the past two decades, new power electronics application fields have emerged centered around communication, computers, consumer electronics, and automobiles (i.e. the so-called four Cs). In order to drive MOS devices, high-voltage integrated circuits (HVICs) also emerged, which is the beginning of power integrated circuits (Power ICs).